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Tag: Elections
2020 Annual Meeting
Dear Brothers, Our 4Q Assembly will be on Saturday, 5 December. For those brothers that may be seeking some closer camaraderie we will meet in the Holy Trinity Garland parish hall starting at 9 AM. The doors will open at 8:30 for coffee and registration. There is room to easily accommodate 30 brothers with 6’…
Bishop Sumner Addresses Brotherhood Annual Meeting
Episcopal Diocese of Dallas Bishop George Sumner told the Dallas Assembly Saturday, Dec. 6. “Renewal always comes from the laity,” Bishop Sumner, who was installed Nov. 15, said he has tracked the success of many parishes to the establishment of men’s ministries within those parishes. “This kind of renewal is especially effective because it represents…
Dallas Assembly Elections
The December 5th Dallas Assembly Brotherhood of St. Andrew Annual Meeting will include the election of Assembly President and Secretary. Any member brother of the Dallas Assembly is eligible to be nominated for either of these positions. The Secretary office is a two year term. The President office is a three year term with the…
Officer Elections
Officer Elections to fill the Treasurer and Vice President positions for the Assembly Board of Directors will be held on December 6, 2014 at the next annual Brotherhood of St. Andrew Dallas Assembly Meeting. At this time, Larry Maxwell has offered to stand again for the Treasurer position and Mike Model has offered to stand for the…
Dallas Assembly Annual Meeting 2012
“Jesus told his disciples to go and do, not to go and watch.” “We are all called into discipleship,” says Bishop Bruce MacPherson, retired Bishop of Western Louisiana, speaking before the annual meeting of the Diocese of Dallas, Brotherhood of St. Andrew assembly December 1, at St. Michaels and All Angels in Dallas. Bishop MacPherson…
Annual Meeting Set For December 1, 2012
Our annual meeting is set for Saturday, December 1, 2012 at St. Michael’s and All Angels. The Church is located at 8011 Douglas in Dallas. The meeting will begin at 8:30AM with breakfast available before. This year we elect a new Vice President and Treasurer, both to serve a two year term . Nominations for one…
Candidates for Office
The Annual Meeting Agenda is available here. The following candidates are standing for office at the annual meeting on December 3, 2011: John Curtis I have been on several church Vestries and am currently in my third and final year of Vestry at Holy Trinity by the Lake, Rockwall/Heath. I also serve as Church Treasurer.…