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Category: Holy Trinity By The Lake
Brotherhood Assembly Meeting Scheduled – 09/08/12
The next quarterly Brotherhood Assembly meeting is scheduled for 09/08/12 at Holy Trinity By The Lake. Breakfast starts at 8:30AM. Our featured speaker will be Lanell Armstrong of the CROSSFIRE Ministry. CROSSFIRE began as a grass roots program of volunteers in 1990 (incorporated as a 501c3 tax exempt organization in 1994) to address the academic, social,…
Holy Trinity By The Lake Sponsors Mesquite Rodeo Outing
The youth of Holy Trinity by the Lake, and their friends, are invited to the Mesquite Rodeo on Friday August 17. Tickets for youth and their friends will be provided by the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Adults are welcome too but their tickets will be $18.00. Partipants will gather at the Church at 6.00 pm…
John Curtis Running For Heath TX City Council
Our freshly elected Co-Adjutor and President-Elect of the Dallas Assembly John Curtis is running for Heath TX City Council. Check out his website and vote if you live in Heath.
Holy Trinity By The Lake Hearts And Hammers Project Set
At the end of March, Holy Trinity By The Lake will carry out their first Hearts and Hammers project installing three new windows in a home in downtown Rockwall. The project will be held on a Saturday (exact date to be announced) and skilled leadership is being provided. We need willing laborers. Any participates from…
Holy Trinity By The Lake Holds Shrove Tuesday Supper
Over 70 people attended our Shrove Tuesday supper. This year Holy Trinity youth did most of the cook and cleaning. Proceeds from the evening’s fellowship will go to help with the EYC mission activities this summer.