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Category: Chapter News
Holy Trinity by the Lake at Rough Riders Game
The Brotherhood Chapter at Holy Trinity by the Lake took their youth to a Rough Riders ballgame last week. Here is a photo of most of the attendees having a good time at the game. (Those not in the photo were also having a good time). Photo by Fr James Detrich
2018 Patriot Paws Golf Tournament
The 2018 Patriot Paws Tournament will once again be held at Firewheel Golf Park in Garland. This year’s date is Tuesday, May 15th; Shotgun Start at 1:00 Sharp. Lunch and dinner included. Festivities begin at 11:30, lunch at noon. Don’t miss this opportunity to support our wounded and disabled Veterans and play in one of…
Toler Elementary Visit
Below is the Principal’s email response after some of the Holy Trinity – Garland Brothers helped to introduce the Passport to Manhood program yesterday at Toler Elementary. She also attached a “Thank You” picture (Below). (See Post on 10/29/17) “Pleased doesn’t even begin to describe it! Thank you all so much for literally investing in…
Brothers Setting Example for Fifth Grade Boys
On 16 November, Thursday at 8:15 in the morning, fifty-four 5th grade boys from Toler Elementary will gather to hear about some of the positive ways men act (shaking hands, introducing themselves while looking you in the eye, etc.) Afterward during a practical application session, volunteers from Holy Trinity Episcopal Church‘s Brotherhood of St Andrew…