Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Dallas TX Assembly - 2011 Habitat For Humanity Dedication

Habitat 2011 Home Dedication

Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Dallas TX Assembly - 2011 Habitat For Humanity DedicationIt was a beautiful morning and a joyous occasion as the Brotherhood held it’s traditional dedication for the 16th and final Habitat For Humanity home.

The new home of Angela, Jordan and Malik Pennie was dedicated at 4606 Baldwin Street. Canon Neal Michell opened the ceremony with prayer. Habitat Board member Kenny Rogers welcomed Angela and her sons as a new Habitat family and had many kindly remarks for all who helped to make Angela’s dream come true. Larry Maxwell expressed his thanks to all of the churches in the Diocese that have participated in the Diocesan Ministry since 1996.

Angela and her family were presented with the traditional gifts by the churches participating in this year’s Habitat Build. Brushing back tears of joy, Angela thanked everyone who helped to build a beautiful new home for she and her sons.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Dallas TX Assembly - 2011 Habitat For HumanityBrotherhood of St. Andrew - Dallas TX Assembly - 2011 Habitat For Humanity






Following the benediction everyone enjoyed visiting and partaking of delicious early morning chocolate cake provided by the Brotherhood of St. Andrew.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Dallas TX Assembly - 2011 Habitat For HumanityBrotherhood of St. Andrew - Dallas TX Assembly - 2011 Habitat For Humanity






The Brotherhood has been proud of it’s long association with Habitat and it is with sadness that our participation comes to an end. Unfortunately, the rising costs have of participation have priced us out of the effort. We wish the best of future efforts for the Dallas Habitat For Humanity.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Dallas TX Assembly - 2011 Habitat For HumanityBrotherhood of St. Andrew - Dallas TX Assembly - 2011 Habitat For Humanity





Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Dallas TX Assembly - 2011 Habitat For Humanity

It takes a lot of background effort to make things happen. In addition to all the Parishes in the Diocese and Brotherhood Chapters participating, the Brotherhood owes a great debt to those who have coordinated the fund raising in the Brotherhood Golf Tournament (Jim Vineyard and Don Candy) as well as our Habitat Coordinator, Larry Maxwell, who has worked tirelessly to make the Brotherhood look good in our efforts. Good work, Brothers!