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Author: dcandy
Lt General Richard Lynch, 3rd Quarter Keynote Speaker
Dear Brothers, It is my pleasure and honor to announce that our key speaker for our 3rd Quarter Assembly on September 8 at Epiphany in Richardson will be Lt General Rick Lynch (Ret.). His topic will be spiritual fitness based on material from his two books; Work Hard Pray Hard, The Power of Faith in…
2018 Triennial Convention – Brother John Norton
Dear Brothers, After attending our Triennial Convention this past Thursday thru Saturday, I am greatly encouraged with the course and direction that our board and leaders are attempting to steer us in as an entire Brotherhood. I am impressed! The vision and mission are clearly stated. The leadership is in place and working hard…
2018 Patriot PAWS Golf Tournament
The Dallas Assembly of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew along with several Patriot PAWS volunteers organized the 2018 Patriot PAWS Charity Golf Tournament. God helped us with a nice shower about mid-morning that helped playing conditions and provided a fantastic day for golf at Firewheel Golf Club in Garland. We had 156 golfers take to…
Second Quarterly Meeting at St Andrew’s
The Dallas Assembly of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will hold its second 2018 quarterly meeting at St Andrew’s, Farmers Branch on Saturday, June second at 8:30 a.m. Deacon Phil Snyder will be our honored speaker and will address the Assembly on the Kairos Prison Ministry. Deacon Phil has long been a supporter of the…
2018 Patriot Paws Golf Tournament
The 2018 Patriot Paws Tournament will once again be held at Firewheel Golf Park in Garland. This year’s date is Tuesday, May 15th; Shotgun Start at 1:00 Sharp. Lunch and dinner included. Festivities begin at 11:30, lunch at noon. Don’t miss this opportunity to support our wounded and disabled Veterans and play in one of…
First Quarter Assembly Meeting
The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew Dallas Assembly will hold its first 2018 quarterly meeting on March third at Christ Church Dallas. The meeting will commence at 8:00 a.m. with Eucharist followed by breakfast and our guest speaker Deacon Andrea Conklin. Deacon Andrea served as Resident in Clinical Pastoral Care at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital and…
Region VII Workshop – Jan 27th – Don’t Miss It!
On January 27th the Dallas Brotherhood Assembly will host a Region VII Workshop on Veterans Support and Restorative Justice. In line with this theme we have invited Annette Jenkins of One Man’s Treasure to attend the meeting and we’re asking Brothers to bring any men’s clothing they are willing to part with to the meeting.…
$10 Discount on Patriot Paws Golf Tournament
Save $10 per player on the 2018 Annual Dallas Brotherhood Golf Tournament by registering before January 31st. AND there is a small group of Brothers who have pledged to make up the difference – so the net revenue will remain the same. The 2018 Patriot Paws Tournament will once again be held at Firewheel Golf…
Regional BStA Workshop, January 27th
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Region VII, is sponsoring a Men’s Workshop on Saturday at The Church of the Incarnation for all men of the Dallas and neighboring Dioceses. The attached flyer includes the Agenda, Registration info, venue details, etc. Region VII includes, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Southwest Missouri, Oklahoma and New Mexico. We would like…
Toler Elementary Visit
Below is the Principal’s email response after some of the Holy Trinity – Garland Brothers helped to introduce the Passport to Manhood program yesterday at Toler Elementary. She also attached a “Thank You” picture (Below). (See Post on 10/29/17) “Pleased doesn’t even begin to describe it! Thank you all so much for literally investing in…