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Author: dcandy
Labor of Love – Camp All Saints
David Campbell of Camp All Saints is inviting the Brotherhood of St. Andrew to Camp All Saints February 6 – 8, 2015 for their First Labor of Love Weekend in 2015. Holy Trinity Garland has already signed up and volunteered to “Bring a Pig” that will be cooked up and at Saturday lunch. If each Brotherhood chapter made…
Forth Worth Men’s Conference
The Fort Worth Assembly of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is sponsoring a men’s conference on January 16-17 in Arlington. The keynote speaker will be Gary Randle, founder of HOPE Farm in Fort Worth, which serves at-risk boys from fatherless homes. Gary is a former TCU basketball star, former police officer, and an ordained minister. When…
Annual Meeting Agenda Set
The annual meeting agenda for the Dallas Assembly has been set. 8:00-8:30 Sign in 8:30 Breakfast in Parish Hall Welcome – Bishop Paul Lambert, National Chaplain 9:00 Eucharist in Church Roll call of Chapters Brotherhood business Treasurers Report Golf Committee update Chapter Activity updates New business – One Mans Treasure Elections Assembly Vice President Nomination…
One Man’s Treasure
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew Dallas Assembly is working with One Man’s Treasure to help men in the release phase of a prison term to succeed in become responsible, self-sufficient citizens. There will be further news on this at the quarterly meeting December 6 at Epiphany Richardson. In the meantime, take a look at this program –…
St. Andrew’s Day At St. Andrew’s
On St. Andrew’s Day, November 30, 2014, St, Andrew’s Church of Farmers Branch and Carrollton is celebrating St. Andrew’s Day with a Mass at 10AM with Scottish Bagpipers during the Prelude and Post Mass. There will also be a luncheon provided at 12 noon. St. Andrew’s Church is located at 2783 Valwood Pkwy in Farmers…
Officer Elections
Officer Elections to fill the Treasurer and Vice President positions for the Assembly Board of Directors will be held on December 6, 2014 at the next annual Brotherhood of St. Andrew Dallas Assembly Meeting. At this time, Larry Maxwell has offered to stand again for the Treasurer position and Mike Model has offered to stand for the…
Holy Nativity Captures Coveted Growler At Holy Trinity Oktoberfest
In a stunning upset, Holy Nativity captured the coveted St. Andrew Suds Society (SASS) Growler from Holy Trinity at the 2014 Holy Trinity Oktoberfest on October 4, 1014. The annual event held at Holy Trinity Garland was well attended and featured roast pig, brats, sauerkraut and German potato salad – as week as games for…
Assembly Quarterly Meeting Reminder
A reminder – The Dallas Assembly of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will have its 3rd Quarterly meeting of the year on Saturday, September 13, at St Andrews Episcopal Church, Farmers Branch and Carrollton. Our gathering begins with breakfast provided by the host Chapter at 8:30 and will finish around 11 o’clock. See you there!
Brotherhood of St. Andrew Dallas Assembly Quarterly Meeting Scheduled.
The Dallas Assembly of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will have its 3rd Quarterly meeting of the year on Saturday, September 13, at St Andrews Episcopal Church, Farmers Branch and Carrollton. Our gathering begins with breakfast provided by the host Chapter at 8:30 and will finish around 11 o’clock. Not only will we hear about…
Brotherhood of St. Andrew Golf Tournament Scores Again
The Lord gave us a great day to for our 3rd annual Brotherhood of St. Andrew Golf Tournament for Patriot PAWS. On 3 June, 106 golfers took to the links at Canyon Creek Country Club in Richardson for lots of golfing experiences. The First place gross winners with a score of 49 consisted of Terry Patriquin,…