Dallas Assembly Quarterly Meeting – 03/26/11

Brotherhood of St. Andrew - 3/26/11 MeetingThe Brotherhood of St. Andrew quarterly meeting of the  Dallas Assembly was hosted by the Church of The Redeemer in Irving TX.

Present at the meeting were representatives from:  St. Anne’s, Desoto; St. John’s, Dallas; St. Michael and All Angels, Dallas; Epiphany, Richardson; Redeemer, Irving;  Annunciation, Lewisville; Holy Trinity, Garland; Incarnation, Dallas; and Holy Nativity, Plano. Assembly Officers present were President Robby Gerber along with Jim Vineyard, Don Candy, Fred Manget and Jon Browne.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew - 3/26/11 Meeting - Fr. J.D. BrownFather J.D. Brown of Holy Trinity, Garland gave a talk on the discipline of prayer. He started by asking, “How’s your prayer life?”  He compared our prayer capability to a muscle which requires exercise to be there when we need it. Then followed very useful points regarding “why, where, when and how,” along with a list of references.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew - 3/26/11 Meeting - Phipps PresentationJohn Phipps of Holy Nativity has taken over responsibility for the Dallas Assembly’s website, the web address of which is www.brothersandrewdallas.org.  Our website is set up to have a section for each Chapter. John gave a fine presentation of how the website works. He will also help a “website master” from each Chapter input text and photos to that Chapter’s section. We hope to have each Chapter share such items as: minutes of meetings, photos and schedules of events.

In Chapter news, Epiphany is planning a work trip, open to all, at All Saints Camp sometime after Easter. Annunciation’s 50th anniversary is Sunday, March 27. Holy Trinity, Garland is planning a baseball gathering at Dr. Pepper Stadium, Frisco. Holy Nativity will also have such an outing in late May. Hopefully, dates and details of upcoming events will be posted on our website when known.

Don Candy reported on the Habitat Build scheduled for early September. To date we have $16,358 of the $40,000 needed. Balance of required funds is to come from church contributions and proceeds of the annual golf tournament. It was mentioned that this may be the last year of funding a Habitat build.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew - 3/26/11 Meeting - Jim VineyardJim Vineyard then reported on the annual golf tournament which will be at Canyon Creek Country Club, Richardson on June 14th. We had 84 golfers last year and cleared ~$6,700. Jim hopes to have more golfers this year. He urged us to recruit golfers and to help find corporate sponsors. Contacts within the corporate world can provide entries for sponsorships at various financial levels. Private contributions are also welcome.

Robby Gerber concluded the meeting by mentioning the need to plan a fund raiser for expenses of the Dallas Assembly for such matters as: expenses of speakers at our Annual Meeting and expenses for representatives to the national Brotherhood Annual Meeting.

The meeting closed in prayer, led by Father JD Brown.