Dallas Assembly Quarterly Meeting – October 8, 2011

Quarterly Assembly Meeting - Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Dallas TXThe Quarterly meeting was held October 8 at Incarnation Dallas.

Representatives of 10 Chapters throughout the Diocese attended. Our guest speaker was Brother David Hobbs, the Diocesan Coordinator for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. Brother David has also been a member, a Chapter Director, A National Council member, the National Brotherhood website administrator, an Assembly treasurer, an Assembly Vice President, and two times an Assembly President. David is a Life Member of the Brotherhood.

David Cobb Presentation - Brotherhood of St. Andrew - DallasBrother Hobbs presented the Fall Boys Retreat program operated by the Brotherhood in the Diocese of Texas for inner city kids. The Dallas Brotherhood is looking at the potential of a similar program. The annual program involves up to 50 kids from the inner city who spend a weekend in the fall with the Brotherhood at Camp Allen. The entire weekend is focused on bringing the kids closer to Christ.

Father J.D. Brown - Brotherhood of St. Andrew - DallasFr. J.D. Brown presented the Patriot Paws program as a service project alternative. This is a great program that trains and donates service dogs for disabled Veterans and others with mobile disabilities. A video of the program was presented. The program is local, based out of Rockwall.

Additional discussion on suggested Brotherhood Assembly service projects for 2012 was had, since we will no longer be involved with the Habitat Ministry. Several projects are under consideration:

  • A Brush with Kindness
  • Hearts & Hammers
  • St. Simons After-School
  • Patriot Paws
  • Adopt A Platoon

October 8, 2011 - Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Dallas TXAs this is the last year for our Habitat for Humanity participation, Larry Maxwell gave a summary of the 16 years the Brotherhood has been involved. There is a surplus in funds received for this year’s Habitat House. The Executive Council has decided to ask each participating parish as to whether they would allow the Brotherhood to keep the excess funds or if they would like the percentage of overage returned to each parish.

The new Bylaws were discussed. Procedures for nomination and voting were discussed. At the annual meeting in December, we will be electing a new President and Secretary. Each chapter was asked to present nominations before the annual meeting.

Our annual meeting is scheduled December 3, 2011 at St. Luke’s.