Brotherhood Annual Meeting Report

The Annual Meeting of the Dallas Assembly of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew was held on Saturday, December 3rd, 2016. Bishop Sumner celebrated the Eucharist for us after which we enjoyed a great breakfast prepared by our hosts, the Christ Church Brothers. Then the meeting was called to order.

A call was made for nominations from the floor for the two Assembly offices to be filled: Vice President and Treasurer. Prior nominations for these positions were: Noble Hetherinhton of Christ Church – Dallas and John Curtis of Holy Trinity by the Lake – Heath, respectively. No new nominations were received from the floor and the two nominees were elected by acclamation.

Brotherhood Assembly Officers Mike Model, Jim Cox, John Curtis and Larry Maxwell hold the newly instituted ‘Fred Manget Excellence in Service award’ and the annual award record plaque. The Assembly will award this honor each year in appreciation for excellent service to the Dallas Brotherhood. The first award goes to, you guessed it, Fred himself.

Fred joined the Brotherhood in 1972 in York PA. In the 80s and 90s he served with excellence in the Dallas Assembly as Diocesan Coordinator and at the National level as Chairman of the National Council and as a member of the Brotherhood Foundation Management Team. Fred’s service has been a primary underpinning of the success of the Dallas Assembly over the years. Congratulations Fred!

Noble Hetherington, a Christ Church Brother, then gave a very informative presentation on the Boy Scouts of America. Noble is a Religious Emblems Program Coordinator for the Mustang District, Circle Ten Council of the BSA. He handed out copies of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Boy Scouts of America and the Brotherhood of St. Andrew recently signed in Dallas. To view/print the MOU, click here. Noble presented information on several Scouting programs which are of particular  interest to the Brotherhood. Click here to see the scouting programs pertaining to religion and explore the possibilities of implementing coordinated programs with the Brotherhood at both the chapter and assembly level.